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Fatah continued to face significant opposition from other Palestinian actors, such as the freewheeling mercenary Sabri Banna, whose assassination of an Israeli diplomat in triggered a massive Israeli invasion long in the works. Though they faced unexpected resistance, the Israeli army surged north and laid a summer-long siege on Beirut.

Though the culprits were Lebanese, it was the Palestinian scapegoat that paid the price. This climate had been fuelled and whipped up in turn by neighbouring regimes, including both Syria and Israel — whose respective invasions in and both featured the Lebanese rightwing slaughtering Palestinian camps — as well as the crumbling Lebanese establishment whose appeals to nationalism could not mask their eagerness to ally with these foreign interventions.

As it happened, the culling of the Palestinians did not end foreign intervention in Lebanon, whose plight as a plaything of foreign powers has only intensified. Israel and Syria would only fully vacate the country in and respectively, by which point Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries had also stepped in to install their clients, with corrupt patronage networks abounding around a fragile state.

There was no real accountability for war crimes. Nor were the Palestinians finished. By , separate networks of Palestinians had returned to various parts of the country, often with Lebanese Muslim support, though their role has since been firmly secondary to that of Lebanese militias. For Palestinians in Lebanon, little has improved, most still live in squalid refugee camps. Just like the influx of Syrian refugees post , they have been seen as a security risk and a potentially dangerous boost for Lebanese Sunnis, the only confessional group whose militias have regularly been targeted by the Lebanese government.

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